itty bitty living space...

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Posted by chelsea 2 comments

When my sister was here in January, she measured out my apartment inch for inch and drew a nice little diagram of it. She cleaned it up and scanned it into her computer when she returned home and sent me the file.

Since I know a lot of you don't know how my apartment is laid out (it's hard to get across through photos), I will post her lovely little drawing...

I had initially thought it was 300 square feet, but after her calculations taking into account the column (that black thing at the end of the kitchen counter that protrudes into the closet) and some other things it turns out it's around 275 square feet...yipes!

The only thing the drawing is missing is the kitchen sink, which is on the counter towards the top.

I decided to do a little ghetto addition of my own to show how I have my furniture set up...

If you have a hard time seeing anything, you can click to make the photos larger.

So there you have humble existence, on a grid...ha.

PS. First person to tell me what movie the title line is from and who says it wins a virtual pat on the back from yours truly!

making the old new again

Posted by chelsea 1 comments

I've been staying in a lot more lately...partly due to wanting to save money, but even more so because I'm just so tired of winter. The cold has officially gotten to my very core and made me even more of a recluse than I was before.

On the bright side, I've been doing a lot more with my apartment because of this fact. One of my favorite new additions is a teeny tiny desk that I found on Craigslist for a whole $5. It had only two legs and was advertised as a lap desk to rest on your lap as you do paperwork. Lucky for me, I saw a whole lot of potential in it, including the fact that it would fit perfectly in my very limited space.

I bought two 'L brackets' from Ikea for fifty cents each to mount it to the wall, making this whole project a whooping $6 since I already had the paint.

Before...(I know you're thinking, how could I possibly want to paint over this heart-tastic design?!?!)

After...(I love blues...and it's the absolute perfect size for my sewing machine!) I want to do something with the wooden top, like decoupage something awesome onto it, but I can't decide what...suggestions welcome!

birthday loot

Friday, February 6, 2009
Posted by chelsea 0 comments

Last Thursday was my birthday, and on top of having my great older sis come to visit me in the currently frozen north (which was her gift to me), I scored some great birthday loot as well!

My mom, Robin and grandparents all chipped in to get me the mother of all birthday gifts...a sewing machine!

My great friend (and fantastic blues musician) Shakey got me a washboard and some brushes for it...

He also got me these radtastic harmonicas because I'd expressed an interest in learning recently...(I had my first lesson from him this week!)

I'd say it was a pretty successful birthday.

I also promise to start posting photos more often.